Pipe Repair – What are Your Choices

PEX Pipes: The Many Differences Between Pipes
Galvanized (zinc-coated steel) piping
Copper Pipe for Your Home’s Pipe Repair
Copper piping, which is the #1 material used for plumbing work in today’s world, is the same material that the Egyptians used to lay their own pipe – some 3000 years ago! Archaeologists have recovered a portion of a water plumbing system from the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The evidence of indoor plumbing in palaces has dating back to 2500 B.C.
Today we still use copper piping because of its durability and ease of use.
Today’s Pipe Repair
That brings us today’s metal of choice for plumbing – copper pipe. Copper pipe has several advantages and benefits over the older metals used.
- Copper pipe is light and rigid needing fewer fittings and supports and sagging less over time than heavier metals.
- Copper’s ability to handle high temps makes it easy to adjoin copper pipe therefore there’s no need for harmful chemicals or adhesives when installed.
- Being easier to install and needing less material can make a fully-copper installation much cheaper than pipes made of cheaper material.
- Copper pipe is a natural metal that actually inhibits bacteria growth and is naturally corrosive resistant. This helps lessen concerns about mold or disease growing behind your walls or underneath your sink.
- Copper pipe can handle extreme heat or cold conditions. It can also withstand more than 1000 pounds of pressure per square inch.
PEX Pipes for Pipe Repair
- Easiest to install: PEX pipe requires even fewer fittings than copper pipe. It also requires no soldering or welding of metals.
- Most Flexible: Both PVC and Copper require elbows to maneuver around beams and corners. PEX tubing can bend, contort, and run along walls and edges with greater ease.
- Cost: Since PEX pipe needs less space, material, and equipment it can cost considerably less than both Copper pipe and PVC.
- Life Expectancy: While the Copper pipe is highly resistant to extreme cold and heat, the PEX pipe is even more so. PEX pipe is the most resistant to freezing, cracking, or bursting from extreme conditions and pressure.
So we’ve gone over quite a number of different things that may help you determine the best type of pipe for your home or business. Whatever your piping needs may be, Trusty Plumbers can help you determine what suits your budget, environment, and daily needs best.
What would I recommend?
If it were my house, I would probably install PEX. It’s quieter, and, as a plumber, the sound of running water can wake me up if someone uses the toilet in the middle of the night. So I prefer quiet piping. Also, as a plumber, if my PEX system fails, I can quickly fix it. PEX is undoubtedly a good choice. But usually, I recommend copper repiping for my customers’ houses.
Because we know the reliability of a properly installed copper pipe system, if you also have a water softener system installed at the same time as your repipe, the copper pipe system could last over 50 years (depending on other factors). Wow!
Here’s a link to info about installing a soft water system.
So, there you have it. I hope this helps you make your decision on what to use. If you have further questions, you can send me an email at mitch@trusty.us.
OR call us for an appointment: (562) 242-3218
Mitch Clemmons
Founder, Trusty Plumbers / Mitch Clemmons Plumbing