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Plumbing Problems?

Trusty Plumbers is your Old School, Local, Honest, & Reliable Plumber

+ 24 Hr Emergency Service

Anytime you need us, we’re just a phone call away. Emergency service available after business hours.

Special Financing Available*

*Subject to credit approval. Minimum monthly payments required. Call our office for details.

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Our Services

Drain Cleaning

Service Repair

Water Heaters


Local, Honest, Reliable Plumbing Service

Your residential plumbing is an invaluable resource that you use on a daily basis. It is important to make certain that your system is working properly. If your residential plumbing systems are malfunctioning, we are available to make any necessary repairs. We have completed thousands of plumbing jobs for residents in the area.

Our residential plumber will come to your home and review the problem. After our plumber diagnoses the plumbing issue, a written estimate will be provided detailing the work that needs to be done. Often we are able to provide several options for repair. Our residential plumbing service uses the most technologically advanced equipment to repair your plumbing problems. We work constantly to fix water leaks, pipe problems, and emergency plumbing situations. Our highly trained plumbers can also perform preventative work on your residential water system to reduce the chance of emergencies and plumbing failures.

Call Today (562)380-3208

Why Choose Trusty Plumbers


Drain Cleaning Special – Restrictions Apply:

*Drain must have a cleanout or other direct access to clear the drain. Single fixture drains only.
*Heavy grease, roots, cracked or broken pipes may require additional work. We will notify you ahead of time if there are additional costs.